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I Will

I will hold you if and when

you want me too, I will.

I will rock you, sway you to sleep

whenever you need me too, I will.

I will sing to you to help you sleep, help you relax,

to laugh, I will.

I will sit with you and your big feelings and emotions, whenever

You want me too, I will.

I will share a bed with you, if you want extra comfort to sleep,

I will.

I will give you a bottle for nourishment but also comfort, I will.

I will roll around in yoga postures with you all day long, I will.

I will be there when you fall, I will.

I will be there when you rise, I will.

I will tell you daily how thankful I am for being part of your day, I will.

I will always tell you how happy I am that you are here, I will.

I will love you to the moon and back, I will.

I will laugh with you, I will.

I will cry tears of joy with and for you, I will.

I will cry tears of sadness and pain with and for you, I will.

I will continue to (re) explore this wild world with you, I will

I will endeavor to grow with you, I will.

I will learn from you daily, I will. .

I will look forward to hearing your tales of adventures, I will.

I will listen to you whenever you need, I will.

I will sit with you in silence if needed, I will.

I will rave with you, I will.

I will dance with you like nobody's watching, I will.

I will lie with you when you want me too, I will.

I will watch you explore by yourself, giggling away, I will.

I will smile in wonder at you sleeping in my arms, during naps and at 4am,

wondering how blessed I feel to be your mama, I will.

I will giggle with you as we clean up after meals, I will.

I will hold you close as you nuzzle into my neck for a cuddle, I will.

I will strive to carve out time for me to show you the importance of care and time for you,

I will.

I will often get things ‘wrong’, make mistakes because I am human but

each time I’ll try to learn and grow, I will.

I will sit with you when you cry, laugh, feel frustrated or angry, and let you know all emotions are valid and need space to release safely, I will.

I will cherish our middle of the night feeds and cuddles, knowing that we are part of a community of women and wildlings, I will.

I will say when I need space, so you can understand the importance of space for you too, I will.

I will shout loudly as we go through tunnels and do runs up and down the garden, I will.

I will be your mama always, I will.


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